SEO Companies - What Do They Do? How Do They Do It? And How to Choose One.

Ryan Stack • Nov 06, 2023

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is a pivotal aspect of any modern business's digital strategy. It serves as the means by which your company's online presence can rise above the ocean of competition, leading to increased visibility and, ultimately, enhanced business performance.

However, the process of optimizing your web content for search engines can be complex, requiring a deep understanding of algorithms and keyword strategies. This is where SEO companies come into play. They specialize in helping businesses achieve their online potential by improving their search engine rankings.

But how exactly do they do this? And more importantly, how can you choose the right SEO company for your business?

Topics Covered

  • Understanding SEO and SEO Companies
  • Typical Work SEO Companies Perform
  • How to Choose the Right SEO Partner
  • SEO Costs
  • SEO vs Paid Ads
  • and more!

Understand SEO and SEO Companies

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the strategic art and science of enhancing a website's visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs). It involves tailoring website elements and creating content that appeals to the algorithms of search engines like Google. The goal is to rank higher for relevant keywords and phrases, thereby increasing organic (non-paid) traffic to the website.

What is an SEO Company?

An SEO company is a specialized service provider that applies the principles of SEO to improve a client’s online presence. These companies have expertise in understanding search engine algorithms and utilize various strategies to help websites climb up the rankings on SERPs. They offer a range of services, from auditing existing websites to implementing on-site and off-site optimization strategies tailored to the client’s industry and audience.

Role of SEO for Modern Companies

In today’s digital age, a strong online presence is vital for the survival and growth of any business. SEO plays a crucial role in modern online businesses by ensuring that their products or services are visible to potential customers. With the majority of consumers turning to search engines to make purchasing decisions, SEO has become a non-negotiable element of any comprehensive marketing strategy, connecting businesses with their target audience at the critical moment of search intent.

SEO companies understand the fundamentals as well as the evolving SEO Landscape. This is not a static field , as search engines constantly update their algorithms. Professional SEO companies keep up to date with these changes and adapt strategies accordingly for optimal results.

In fact, from August 2023 to Nov 2st 2023, Google has announced 4 large updates to  their algorithm, with each update aiming to provide more relevant and useful results for search queries. This further highlights the importance of hiring an SEO company that is knowledgeable and up-to-date.

Request a Website Audit

What Typical SEO Companies Do

While no one SEO company works on SEO exactly the same (some have different approaches, white hat and black hat techniques, what they deem essential or not etc.), there are some typical workflow items that many SEO companies have in common. These include:

Initial Website Analysis and SEO Audit

The first step in the SEO process is a thorough website analysis and SEO audit. A site audit, or sometimes referred to as an SEO Audit, is a comprehensive evaluation of the various aspects of a website, including its structure, content, coding, and user experience. Through this analysis, an SEO company can identify areas for improvement and develop strategies to optimize the website. Examples could be fixing duplicate content, broken links, missing page titles and alt text etc.

Keyword Research and Competitor Analysis

Keyword research is a critical aspect of SEO, as it involves identifying the terms and phrases potential customers use when searching for products or services related to your business. SEO companies have access to advanced tools that allow them to determine the most effective keywords for your website based on search volume, competition, and relevance.

Additionally, competitor analysis is essential in understanding what strategies your competitors are using and how you can improve upon them to outrank them on search engine results. An SEO company will conduct thorough research into your competitors' websites, keywords, and backlink profiles to identify opportunities for your business.

On-Page SEO Activities

On-Page SEO involves optimizing the elements on a website that affect search engine rankings. SEO companies focus on optimizing content for relevance and readability, ensuring that it aligns with user intent and search engine criteria. This includes crafting title tags, meta descriptions, headers, and optimizing images and videos. Internal linking strategies are employed to ensure a coherent structure that search engines can easily navigate and understand.

Off-Page SEO Strategies

Off-Page SEO refers to actions taken outside of the website to impact rankings within search engine results. A typical SEO company invests significant effort into building a strong backlink profile by securing high-quality links from reputable sources. This process not only improves domain authority but also drives referral traffic. Additionally, they may manage social media presence and local listings to enhance the brand's visibility and reputation across the web.

Technical SEO Enhancements

Technical SEO is about improving the technical aspects of a website to help search engine spiders crawl and index the site more effectively. SEO companies address a myriad of technical issues, from improving site speed and mobile responsiveness to implementing structured data and fixing broken links. They also ensure that websites adhere to HTTPS protocols and that the sitemap is up-to-date, contributing to a secure and seamless user experience.

Content Strategy and Marketing

Content is king in the realm of SEO, and SEO companies spend a considerable amount of time developing and executing content strategies. This involves identifying topics that resonate with the target audience, conducting keyword research, and producing high-quality, engaging content. Through blogs, articles, whitepapers, and videos, they aim to establish the brand as a thought leader, while also catering to the algorithmic preferences of search engines.

Regular Reporting and Analysis

An SEO company’s job is never done. They provide regular reporting and analysis to their clients, showcasing the performance of the SEO strategies employed. These reports often include metrics such as rankings, traffic statistics, conversion rates, and a review of the ROI. Additionally, ongoing analysis ensures that the strategies are adjusted in response to search engine algorithm updates and evolving market trends.

a robot sits at a desk with a computer and a sign that says seo

How to Find The Right SEO Partner

If you are considering hiring an SEO company to improve your website's visibility and ultimately boost your business, it is essential to find the right partner for your specific needs. Here are some factors to consider when selecting an SEO company:

1. Experience and Expertise

Look for a reputable and experienced SEO company with a proven track record of success. You can verify their expertise by checking their client portfolio, case studies, and online reviews. Also, you may want to google "SEO companies" or "Affordable SEO Companies" or "SEO Companies in Massachusetts" (or your state or town) to see who shows up in the top of the organic listings.  Might sound like a common sense approach but if they have what it takes to rank locally or even nationally, there's a good chance they know what they're doing (but yes, research all the companies you're considering before hiring them :)

2. Transparency and Communication

Transparency is crucial in the SEO process, as it helps build trust between the client and the company. Find an SEO partner who communicates regularly, provides detailed reports, and involves you in decision-making processes. While most business owners are very busy, SEO campaigns work more efficiently if you have an open dialog and you're working through each part of the strategies together or at least part of the time.

3. Ethical Practices

Ensure that the SEO company follows ethical practices and adheres to search engine guidelines. Black hat tactics like keyword stuffing, buying backlinks, and cloaking can result in penalties from search engines that can be difficult to recover from. A reputable SEO company will always use white hat techniques to optimize your website and improve its rankings.

4. Customized Strategies

Avoid companies that offer one-size-fits-all SEO solutions. Each business is unique, and the strategies employed should be tailored to your specific goals and target audience. Find an SEO partner who takes the time to understand your business and industry to develop a customized approach. Companies that have "programs" should have individualized approaches within those programs.

5. Affordable Pricing

Quality SEO services can be expensive, so it's essential to find a company with affordable SEO pricing that also delivers results. With that being said, don't go chasing companies that offer you 1st place rankings through a solicitation email and then they only charge you $50 a month to achieve that.  SEO takes time and work, and extremely cheap companies tend to do either no real work or spammy techniques that can hurt you in the long run. On the flip side, extremely expensive companies may not be worth the added cost. Do your research and compare pricing before making a decision.

6. Long-Term Partnership

SEO is an ongoing process, so choose a company that you can establish a long-term partnership with. This way, they can continuously monitor and adjust strategies as needed to keep your website ranking high and attracting qualified traffic. A reputable SEO partner will also keep you updated on the latest industry trends and algorithm changes that may impact your website.

SEO Services

How Much Does SEO Cost?

Determining the cost of SEO services depends on numerous factors such as the size of your website, the competitiveness of your industry, your specific business goals, and the SEO company's pricing model. Here are some common pricing models that SEO companies use:

Hourly Consultation

  • This model is ideal for businesses that only need occasional SEO advice or on specific projects. The cost typically ranges from $50 to $200 per hour, depending on the consultant's expertise and reputation.


  • For one-time SEO projects, companies may offer a fixed price. The exact cost can vary widely, from a few hundred to several thousand dollars, depending on the complexity and scope of the project.

Monthly Retainer

  • This is the most common pricing model for ongoing SEO services. The cost usually ranges from $300 to $5,000 per month, depending on the range of services provided.

A good way to think about what you're getting when it comes to a monthly retainer is how much work do you want deployed on your site monthly.  Lower budgets may be structured to produce a small amount of new content, leading to slower increases in rankings across a narrow keyword target list while larger budgets allow more content and work to be deployed, which can lead to ranking for larger keyword groups and achieve higher site traffic over time.

a gear with the word seo on it

SEO vs. Paid Ads

This question comes up often so we wanted to make a point to cover it in this guide.

SEO encompasses the organic strategies used to improve a website's natural visibility on search engines. It relies on optimizing the website and content to rank higher in SERPs over time. Conversely, Paid Ads are a form of digital marketing where businesses pay for their advertisements to appear on search engines, social media platforms, and other digital spaces, offering immediate visibility and traffic.

While SEO is a long-term strategy focused on building authority and trust with search engines, Paid Ads provide a quick entry to the market with immediate results. SEO is about cultivating a robust online presence that can bring in consistent traffic over time, whereas Paid Ads are akin to leasing space for visibility for as long as the budget allows.

Long-term Benefits of SEO over Paid Ads

One of the most significant advantages of SEO is its long-term effectiveness. Once a solid SEO foundation is built and sustained, it can continue to drive traffic and leads without the ongoing costs associated with Paid Ads. Organic search results also tend to be more trusted by users than paid advertisements, often resulting in higher click-through rates. Also, SEO can improve the overall quality and usability of your website, which not only benefits your rankings but also enhances user experience, potentially increasing conversion rates.

How SEO and Paid Ads Can Complement Each Other

Though different in approach, SEO and Paid Ads should not be viewed as mutually exclusive. When used together, they can significantly bolster a company’s online presence and marketing efforts. Paid Ads can be an excellent way to generate immediate traffic and to test new markets or keywords, which can inform SEO strategies. Meanwhile, the credibility and trust built through SEO can lead to more effective Paid Ad campaigns, as users often need multiple touchpoints before converting.

SEO and Paid Ads are best viewed as two sides of the same coin; when strategically aligned, they offer a holistic approach to digital marketing that maximizes visibility, traffic, and conversions.

Leverage The Right SEO Company

While a lot goes into explaining SEO and what is an SEO company, the bottom line is how can you implement these strategies to increase site traffic and grow revenue. The Stack Group offers affordable SEO Services that  are transparent and tailored to your business goals. We believe in delivering quality work that drives results for our clients, building long-term partnerships based on trust and success. Contact us online and let us help you achieve your SEO goals and elevate your online presence!

Questions? Have a project you're ready to launch?

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(857) 256-1295 or send us a message!

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