Just like with larger companies, small business SEO involves optimizing services and products pages. Your services page should contain the most persuasive copy on your website. It is where you make a case for your product or service and convince your target audience to give your brand a try.
Though there is overlap in how to write about products and services, there are things unique to both. Here are a few things that are vital to writing a page for services.
Create an elevator pitch
Potential customers are likely to have reached this particular page from blog posts or Google searches. As such, they might not know who you are and what you do.
Some people would have read your homepage, your FAQs, and a couple of blogs, but it is unlikely that they would have learned much else. This is why you should spend a few paragraphs introducing yourself and what your company does.
Determine your structure
People interact with websites differently. Some start with headings, others go straight for the content, while others explore images and multimedia first. There is no formula for the structure of a sales page, so you have to make your own.
Find a way to arrange the things you offer in a way that appeals to your audience. If you have a core list of services, you can prioritize these for your landing page. You can highlight ones that have won your company awards or those featured in the news.
Devote space to each service
Whatever your structure, though, you must always devote space to your services. You decide how much space to assign for each service, but you have to include them all. You can base your decision on several things.
Perhaps some services are your best sellers, and you want people to associate those with your brand. In that case, you can highlight these on your website. Conversely, you might want to emphasize a new service or one that you relaunched recently.
Tell them why you are a great choice
Service businesses rely on building trust, and testimonials are a great way to do that. People react more favorably to brands with positive feedback, and having testimonials from satisfied customers would convince newcomers.
You can incorporate positive feedback as a sidebar or graphic element after the service described. Choose testimonials that speak to your buyer personas, ones that are from people in that demographic. You can also look at local SEO tips to establish a better online presence in your community.
Include the next logical step as the CTA
When your visitors finish reading the services page, tell them what you want them to do next. You can ask them to navigate to another page on your website, subscribe to a newsletter, buy a product, contact you, or make an appointment.
This action should be small enough for the moment but have the potential to unlock other interactions. Sure, you might want them to book you for a six-month contract, or hire you for the highest package you have. Get them to commit to something small at first; it will help you clinch their attention later.
Service industry businesses build trust over time. It would be best if you focused on creating a positive relationship with your market. Building a relationship is something you cannot do with one post, so you must back up your claims online with quality real-world action.
If you want to take your service business to a whole other level of engagement with your market, get in touch with The Stack Group. We provide responsive,
professional web design and SEO services to small and medium enterprises. Contact us today to get started!