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It’s now a necessity, even if you are just starting out since more customers shop online. However, you may not get the sales, leads, and engagement you were hoping for. That’s because as more sites thrive, more misinformation is also being spread. But don’t worry; we will talk about the common ones to avoid for your convenient use.
Take this as an opportunity to ensure you are doing what you can to maximize your marketing and other online resources. This way, you can rise above your competition and become a leading brand in your chosen niche.
Myth# 1: SEO content is not relevant anymore because nobody reads blogs these days.
You may already know about written content as a staple because you can pull in prospective customers as they enjoy your content. But since the Internet seems to be more tailored towards fast-paced, well-produced videos, you may think SEO writing and blogs are now obsolete. However, Google, along with its billions of users, doesn’t think so.
The truth is Google still prefers to promote websites with compelling, well-written, long-form content. Typically, you want to have a mix of blog posts and articles with 500-700 words, and you can also incorporate a few with 1,000-1,500 words to add intrigue. This way, you can meet the search engine algorithms criteria, and they will reward you with improved website traffic and lead generation.
As such, it’s best to keep your small business’s plans to make long-form content. You can hire blog writing services to keep consistent with it so that your business can work on supplying enough to meet new customer demands.
Myth #2: A visually-inviting, custom website design is enough to boost my search ranking
Most small businesses believe website design is the best solution to boost their search rankings because of the shift from computer browsing to mobile phone browsing. While it is true that a mobile-responsive, custom website design pulls in users, it’s not the only thing you should be concerned about, especially for SEO. You still need to consider content creation, site development, web hosting, and other related services. That’s why you should work with a professional SEO consultant to ensure you don’t make any costly mistakes.
Myth #3: How much you spend on online advertising contributes to your business website’s SEO score
There’s a popular conspiracy theory going around that Microsoft and Google base your website’s score on the amount of money you pay them for advertising. That’s why big corporations always get the top rankings on the search results page. But this is only a misguided generalization because the truth is SEO focuses on organic traffic, your site’s performance, and your business’s relevancy to each search query. As such, you should invest in bettering your website by being strategic, which is not the same as spending a lot of money and expecting results.
You can check out some search engine optimization basics right on
googles optimize your site page
SEO will continue to be relevant this year and for years to come. That’s why you should know the facts and avoid falling for easy fixes. Fortunately, you now have the working knowledge necessary to boost your rankings. You just need to stay consistent and work with the right professionals. Find ways to enhance your online presence today!
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affordable SEO services for your small business? Consult with us at The Stack Group. We are your experienced digital marketing experts team committed to providing you with the best online solution to make your brand thrive. Claim your
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